Saturday, April 12, 2008


You want to see evil? Here it is

Teenagers looking to have fun at Six Flags are being shown the 'thrills' of shooting up ' a genocidal Indigenous force'

"Listen up, soldiers!" shouts Josh Hernandez, a Green Beret with a shaven head, square jaw and T-shirt that defines every muscle rippling beneath it. "Your mission is to deliver supplies to a humanitarian aid force inside hostile territory. But a genocidal indigenous force will try to stop you!

If that does not get your adrenaline going, you get to fire a 'realistic' M-4 carbine assault rifles with pneumatic recoil so they feel like real guns when fired.

the really evil part of all this?

When the bad guys die, they fall bloodlessly and disappear. They keep coming —- standing atop silos, pouring from buildings.

Every person that pops up is a bad guy. And they disappear bloodlessly. No innocent civilians here. No 13-year old gets raped. No innocent family gets shot up.

Everybody is a villain and we are the only heroes.

"Mission Accomplished" read all the monitors. Game over.

"(14 year old)Bentley also said the Virtual Army Experience gave him a good impression of combat. "After seeing this, I really do think I could join the Army one year. I think I'd be good at it. But I'm good at astronomy, too, and that seems a little safer."

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